| My Holst and Haan Families (2024)

We are excited to announce several enhancements to the web and app experience, which will be available starting Thursday, April 25th.Click here for more information.

" ); } else { wrap = '


    '; count = 0; for (i = 0; i < response.length; i++) { if (response[i].Inline == false) { wrap += '
  • ' + response[i].Name + ' (' + response[i].HumanSize + ')
  • "; count++; } } wrap += '

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" ); } } }); } var modTimeoutId; function modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf) { clearTimeout(modTimeoutId); if (modSaving == true) { modTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { // Runs 1 second (1000 ms) after the last change modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); }, 1000); return; } modTimeoutId = setTimeout(function () { // Runs 1 second (1000 ms) after the last change modSaveDraft(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, false); }, 1000); } var modSaving = false; // modSaveDraft saves the current form state in the draft. function modSaveDraft(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, onLeave) { if (draftid == 0) { console.log("DraftID 0, not modSaving"); return; } console.log("DELETEDDRAFT IS:", modDeletedDraft); console.log("DESTROYEDEDITOR IS:", modDestroyedEditor); if (modDeletedDraft == true) { console.log('NOT SAVING BECAUSE OF DELETED'); return; } if (modDestroyedEditor == true) { console.log('NOT SAVING BECAUSE OF DESTROYED'); return; } modSaving = true; console.log('modSaving'); var fromval = $('#from' + id).val(); var subject = $('#subject' + id).val(); var body = $('#editor' + id).val(); var bodytype = $('#bodytype' + id).val(); var replyto = $('#replyto' + id).val(); var special = '0'; if ($('#special').prop('checked') == true) { special = '1'; } var bccme = '0'; if ($('#bccmecheck' + id).prop('checked') == true) { bccme = '1'; } var bccall = '0'; if ($('#bccall' + id).prop('checked') == true) { bccall = '1'; } var saveval = '1'; if (onLeave == true) { saveval = '2'; } var hashtags = $('#hashtags').val(); upload = { draftid: draftid, csrf: csrf, from: fromval, subject: subject, body: body, bodytype: bodytype, special: special, replyto: replyto, bccme: bccme, bccall: bccall, hashtags: JSON.stringify(hashtags), mid: id, save: saveval }; let opts = { url: groupurl + '/draftop', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }; if (modUnloading == false) { // if we are unloading we don't want to retry, because sometimes // that can result in a spurious error, esp on Firefox opts.retryCount = 5; opts.retryVerify = modRetryVerify; } $.ajax(opts).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log('saved'); modSaving = false; }); } // called to see if we need to continue retrying function modRetryVerify() { if (modDeletedDraft == true || modDestroyedEditor == true) { return false; } return true; } // stop modSaving drafts when we do a submit var postVar = null; // Code to find and return a selected piece of HTML. function modGetSelection(id) { var flag = 0; var sel = document.getSelection(); var selText = ''; id = 'msgbody' + id; var forkfork = document.getElementById(id); if (sel.rangeCount > 0) { var range = sel.getRangeAt(0); var test = range.cloneContents(); var clonedSelection = ''; if (typeof test.getElementByID != 'undefined') { clonedSelection = range.cloneContents().getElementById(id); } if (clonedSelection) { selText = clonedSelection.innerHTML; } else { clonedSelection = range.cloneContents(); var startNode = sel.getRangeAt(0).startContainer.parentNode; //console.log(modIsChild(startNode, forkfork)); if (modIsChild(startNode, forkfork)) { var div = document.createElement('div'); div.appendChild(clonedSelection); selText = div.innerHTML; } } } return selText.toString(); } function modIsChild(child, parent) { if (child === parent) return true; var current = child; while (current) { if (current === parent) return true; current = current.parentNode; } return false; } return { InitEditor: function ( id, bodyType, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, isReply, isWiki, body, sig, onInitFunc ) { if (typeof onInitFunc === 'undefined') { onInitFunc = null; } document.body.addEventListener('htmx:beforeSwap', modDestroyAllEditors, {once: true}); modDeletedDraft = false; modDestroyedEditor = false; modUnloading = false; $('#preview' + id).hide(); $('#addattachments' + id).hide(); $('#return' + id).hide(); $('#markdownlink' + id).hide(); if (bodyType == 'html') { if (sig != '') { $('#editor' + id).val(sig); //tinyMCE.get('editor'+id).setContent(sig); } editor.initHTMLEditor( id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, isReply, isWiki, body, sig, onInitFunc ); } else { if (sig != '') { $('#editor' + id).val(sig); } editor.initPlainEditor(id, bodyType, groupurl, handleAttachments, sig); } }, initHTMLEditor: function ( id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, isReply, isWiki, body, sig, onInitFunc ) { if (typeof onInitFunc === 'undefined') { onInitFunc = null; } // extras: print, emoticons, image, insert, media, print /* All plugins: 'advlist autolink lists link image print preview hr anchor pagebreak', 'searchreplace wordcount visualblocks visualchars code fullscreen', 'insertdatetime media nonbreaking save table contextmenu directionality', 'emoticons template paste textcolor colorpicker textpattern imagetools codesample toc' */ modDeletedDraft = false; modDestroyedEditor = false; modUnloading = false; let attachments = ''; if (handleAttachments == 0 || handleAttachments == 3) { attachments = ' addPictures addAttachments'; } let fontchanges = ''; if (noFontChanges == false) { fontchanges = ' fontselect fontsizeselect forecolor backcolor'; } let fontawesome = ' charmap'; let forceRootBlock = false; if (isWiki == true) { attachments += ' addWikiImage addWikiLink addWikiTOC'; fontawesome = ' fontawesome'; // BORK fontawesome = ''; forceRootBlock = 'p'; } let toolbar1 = 'styleselect bold italic bullist numlist link blockquote alignleft aligncenter alignright' + attachments + ' advancedToolbar'; let toolbar2 = 'strikethrough underline hr alignjustify' + fontchanges + ' removeformat' + fontawesome + ' outdent indent undo redo preview code'; let small_toolbar1 = 'bold italic link blockquote' + attachments + ' advancedToolbar'; let small_toolbar2 = 'strikethrough underline hr alignjustify removeformat outdent indent'; let tm_fonts = 'Arial=arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' + 'Arial Black=arial black,avant garde;' + 'Comic Sans MS=comic sans ms;' + 'Courier Neue=courier_newregular,courier;' + 'Helvetica Neue=helvetica neue;' + 'Helvetica=helvetica;' + 'Impact=impactregular,chicago;' + 'Lucida Grande=lucida grande;' + 'Tahoma=tahoma,arial,helvetica,sans-serif;' + 'Times New Roman=times new roman,times;' + 'Verdana=verdana,geneva'; let plugins = [ 'SplitBlockquote', 'advlist autolink lists link image preview hr anchor', 'code fullscreen', 'nonbreaking table charmap', 'textcolor colorpicker imagetools noneditable' ]; let css = '/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap.min.css,/bootstrap/3.3.6/css/bootstrap-theme.min.css,/css/groupsio.css,/css/tinymce.css,/fontawesome/all.min.css'; let fontsizes = '8pt 10pt 11pt 12pt 14pt 18pt 24pt 36pt'; let codesample_languages = [ { text: 'C', value: 'c' }, { text: 'C#', value: 'csharp' }, { text: 'C++', value: 'cpp' }, { text: 'CSS', value: 'css' }, { text: 'Go', value: 'go' }, { text: 'HTML/XML', value: 'markup' }, { text: 'Java', value: 'java' }, { text: 'JavaScript', value: 'javascript' }, { text: 'PHP', value: 'php' }, { text: 'Python', value: 'python' }, { text: 'Ruby', value: 'ruby' } ]; let style_formats = [ { title: 'Paragraph', block: 'p' }, { title: 'Header 1', block: 'h1' }, { title: 'Header 2', block: 'h2' }, { title: 'Header 3', block: 'h3' }, { title: 'Header 4', block: 'h4' }, { title: 'Header 5', block: 'h5' }, { title: 'Header 6', block: 'h6' } ]; 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teditor.setContent(body); } else if (sig != "") { console.log("sig setContent " + sig); teditor.setContent(sig); } } if (onInitFunc != null) { onInitFunc(e); } }); teditor.on('BeforeRenderUI', function (e) { teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .hide(); }); teditor.addButton('advancedToolbar', { tooltip: 'Show advanced toolbar', icon: 'fa fa-bars', onclick: function () { if (! {; teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .show(); } else {; teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .hide(); } } }); teditor.addButton('addPictures', { tooltip: 'Add pictures', icon: 'fa fa-image', onclick: function () { modUploaderPrompt("pictures", id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); teditor.addButton('addAttachments', { tooltip: 'Add attachments', icon: 'fa fa-paperclip', onclick: function () { modUploaderPrompt("attachments", id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); if (groupurl != '') { teditor.addButton('quoteMessage', { tooltip: 'Quote post', icon: 'fa fa-comment', onclick: function () { editor.ShowMessageHistory(id, groupurl, 'html', '', sig, false); } }); } if (draftid != '' && draftid != '0' && draftid != 0) { teditor.on('NodeChange', function () { //tinymce.triggerSave(); if (tinymce.activeEditor != null) { let markupStr = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(); $('#editor' + id).val(markupStr); modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); teditor.on('keyup', function () { //tinymce.triggerSave(); let markupStr = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(); $('#editor' + id).val(markupStr); modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); }); } if (isWiki == true) { // special wiki buttons teditor.addButton('addWikiImage', { tooltip: 'Insert image', icon: 'fa fa-image', onclick: function () { $('#ImageModal').modal({}); } }); teditor.addButton('addWikiLink', { tooltip: 'Insert link to wiki page', icon: 'fa fa-book', onclick: function () { $('#LinkModal').modal({}); } }); teditor.addButton('addWikiTOC', { tooltip: 'Insert table of contents', icon: 'fa fa-list-alt', onclick: function () { $('#TOCModal').modal({}); } }); } } }); } else { tinymce.init({ branding: false, link_context_toolbar: true, default_link_target: '_blank', link_assume_external_targets: true, elementpath: false, forced_root_block: forceRootBlock, content_css: css, relative_urls: false, remove_script_host: false, menubar: false, statusbar: true, plugins: plugins, toolbar1: small_toolbar1, toolbar2: small_toolbar2, font_formats: tm_fonts, browser_spellcheck: true, contextmenu: false, selector: '#editor' + id, resize: true, fontsize_formats: fontsizes, style_formats: style_formats, setup: function (teditor) { teditor.on('Init', function (e) { // see if any text is selected toquote = modGetSelection(id); if (toquote != '') { console.log('id=' + id); editor.ShowMessageHistory(id, groupurl, 'html', toquote, sig, true); } else { if (body != "") { console.log("body setContent"); teditor.setContent(body); } else if (sig != "") { console.log("sig setContent" + sig); teditor.setContent(sig); } } if (onInitFunc != null) { onInitFunc(e); } }); teditor.on('BeforeRenderUI', function (e) { teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .hide(); }); teditor.addButton('advancedToolbar', { tooltip: 'Show advanced toolbar', icon: 'fa fa-bars', onclick: function () { if (! {; teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .show(); } else {; teditor.theme.panel .find('toolbar') .slice(1) .hide(); } } }); teditor.addButton('addPictures', { tooltip: 'Add pictures', icon: 'fa fa-image', onclick: function () { modUploaderPrompt("pictures", id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); teditor.addButton('addAttachments', { tooltip: 'Add attachments', icon: 'fa fa-paperclip', onclick: function () { modUploaderPrompt("attachments", id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); if (groupurl != '') { teditor.addButton('quoteMessage', { tooltip: 'Quote post', icon: 'fa fa-comment', onclick: function () { editor.ShowMessageHistory(id, groupurl, 'html', '', sig, false); } }); } if (draftid != '' && draftid != '0' && draftid != 0) { teditor.on('NodeChange', function () { if (tinymce.activeEditor != null) { //tinymce.triggerSave(); let markupStr = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(); $('#editor' + id).val(markupStr); modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); } }); teditor.on('keyup', function () { //tinymce.triggerSave(); let markupStr = tinymce.activeEditor.getContent(); $('#editor' + id).val(markupStr); modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); }); } // special wiki buttons teditor.addButton('addWikiImage', { tooltip: 'Add Image', icon: 'fa fa-image', onclick: function () { $('#ImageModal').modal({}); } }); teditor.addButton('addWikiLink', { tooltip: 'Add Link', icon: 'fa fa-book', onclick: function () { $('#LinkModal').modal({}); } }); teditor.addButton('addWikiTOC', { tooltip: 'Table of Contents', icon: 'fa fa-list-alt', onclick: function () { $('#TOCModal').modal({}); } }); } }); // disable tooltips because they require double taps on mobile $('.note-editor *').tooltip('disable'); } }, initPlainEditor: function (id, bodyType, groupurl, handleAttachments, sig) { $('#addattachments').show(); if (bodyType == 'plain') { $('#bodytype' + id).val('plain'); $('#preview' + id).hide(); $('#return' + id).hide(); $('#preview' + id).hide(); $('#markdownlink' + id).hide(); } else { $('#bodytype' + id).val('markdown'); $('#markdownbuttons' + id).show(); $('#preview' + id).show(); $('#return' + id).hide(); $('#previewWindow' + id).hide(); $('#markdownlink' + id).show(); } toquote = modGetSelection(id); if (toquote != '') { editor.ShowMessageHistory(id, groupurl, 'plain', toquote, sig, true); //$('#editor' + id).val(toquote); } }, InitPostDraft: function (id, draftid, csrf, groupurl) { // save the draft when leaving the page. $(window).on('beforeunload', function () { modUnloading = true; modSaveDraft(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, true); }); // save the draft 1 second after a change $('form input, form textarea').on('input propertychange change', function () { modOnFormChange(id, draftid, groupurl, csrf); }); modUpdateAttachments(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); if (typeof Capacitor !== 'undefined') { modInitDeviceUploader(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); } else { modInitWebUploader(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); } }, // InitReplyDraft creates a new draft, assumes a hidden form input called #draftidmid, and then calls initWindow(). InitReplyDraft: function ( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, isReply, isWiki, body, sig, onInitFunc ) { console.log('in InitReplyDraft draftid=' + draftid); modDeletedDraft = false; modDestroyedEditor = false; modUnloading = false; if (draftid == 0) { // create a new draft console.log('generating new draft' + groupurl); console.log('id=' + id); upload = { mid: id, csrf: csrf, body: sig }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/reply', cache: false, method: 'POST', data: upload, xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json', error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { if (modDeletedDraft == false && modDestroyedEditor == false) { createAlert("There was an error saving the draft. Please reload the page.", true, false) } } }).done(function (response) { console.log('reply draft created'); console.log('draftid:' + response.DraftID); draftid = response.DraftID; $('#draftid' + id).val(response.DraftID); editor.InitEditor( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, true, false, body, sig, onInitFunc ); editor.InitPostDraft(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); console.log('id=' + id); $('#bodytype' + id).val(bodytype); $('#cancel-' + id).attr( 'onclick', 'editor.discardReplyDraft("' + id + '", "' + draftid + '","' + bodytype + '","' + csrf + '","' + groupurl + '");' ); return; }); return; } editor.InitEditor( id, bodytype, draftid, groupurl, csrf, handleAttachments, noFontChanges, true, false, body, sig, onInitFunc ); editor.InitPostDraft(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); $('#bodytype' + id).val(bodytype); $('#cancel-' + id).attr( 'onclick', 'editor.discardReplyDraft("' + id + '", "' + draftid + '","' + bodytype + '","' + csrf + '","' + groupurl + '");' ); console.log('DONE'); }, // discardReplyDraft deletes the draft and any attachments and returns the user to the previous page. discardReplyDraft: function (id, draftid, bodytype, csrf, groupurl) { console.log('editor delete reply draft'); upload = { draftid: draftid, csrf: csrf, jsondelete: '1' }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/draftop', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log("success delete reply draft"); $('#draftid' + id).val(''); if (bodytype == 'html') { tinymce.get('editor' + id).remove(); } $('#subject' + id).val($('#origsubject' + id).val()); $('#editor' + id).val(''); modDeletedDraft = true; modDestroyedEditor = true; }); }, PreviewMarkdown: function (id, groupurl) { let markdown = $('#editor' + id).val(); upload = { md: markdown }; $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/previewmd', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { // Do something with the request console.log(response.markdown); wrap = '

' + response.markdown + '

'; $('#editwindow' + id).hide(); $('#previewWindow' + id).replaceWith(wrap); $('#previewWindow' + id).show(); }); $('#preview' + id).hide(); $('#return' + id).show(); }, ReturnMarkdown: function (id) { $('#preview' + id).show(); $('#return' + id).hide(); $('#previewWindow' + id).hide(); $('#editwindow' + id).show(); }, ClearTimeout: function() { clearTimeout(modTimeoutId); }, ShowMessageHistory: function( id, groupurl, bodytype, selectedText, sig, firstTime ) { console.log('URL ' + groupurl); console.log('ID ' + id); if (bodytype == 'html' && firstTime == false) { existingmsg = tinyMCE.get('editor' + id).getContent(); } else { existingmsg = $('#editor' + id).val(); } if (selectedText == '') { upload = { preview: bodytype, id: id }; } else { upload = { preview: bodytype, id: id, text: selectedText }; if (firstTime == true) { existingmsg = sig; } } $.ajax({ url: groupurl + '/previewmd', cache: false, data: upload, method: 'POST', xhrFields: { withCredentials: true }, dataType: 'json' }).done(function (response) { $('#editor' + id).val(response.reply + existingmsg); if (bodytype == 'html') { console.log('SETTING ' + response.reply + existingmsg); tinyMCE.get('editor' + id).setContent(response.reply + existingmsg); tinyMCE.get('editor' + id)'editor' + id).getBody(), true); tinyMCE.get('editor' + id).selection.collapse(false); console.log('DONE'); } }); $('#editor' + id).focus(); } /* $('form').submit(function(e) { clearTimeout(modTimeoutId); if (postVar != null) { postVar.abort(); } console.log("SETTING DELETED TO TRUE"); console.log("EVENT:", e); modDeletedDraft = true; if ($(this).hasClass('form-submitted')) { e.preventDefault(); return; } $(this).addClass('form-submitted'); }); */ };}());async function uploadAttachments(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf) { const result = await Capacitor.Plugins.FilePicker.pickFiles(); const file = result.files[0]; console.log("in uploadAttachments"); console.log("files:", result.files); console.log("mimeType:", file.mimeType); console.log("name:",; console.log("doctype:", doctype);const b64toBlob = (base64, type = 'image/jpeg') => fetch(`data:${type};base64,${base64}`).then(res => res.blob());const result2 = await Capacitor.Plugins.Filesystem.readFile({path:file.path})console.log("result2: ", result2);const blob = await b64toBlob(, file.mimeType);console.log("in uploadAttachments 2, " + file.mimeType); uploadImage(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, blob,;}async function takePicture2(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf) { console.log("in takePicture2"); try { const image = await Capacitor.Plugins.Camera.getPhoto({ quality: 90, allowEditing: false, resultType: "uri" }); console.log("got image");const b64toBlob = (base64, type = 'image/jpeg') => fetch(`data:${type};base64,${base64}`).then(res => res.blob());const result = await Capacitor.Plugins.Filesystem.readFile({path:image.path})const blob = await b64toBlob(;console.log("path: ", image.path); uploadImage(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, blob, image.path.split("/").pop()); } catch (err) { console.log("catch err 1: ", err); }}async function uploadImage(doctype, id, draftid, groupurl, csrf, raw, name) { console.log("here0"); const controller = new AbortController(); const formData = new FormData(); console.log("here1"); formData.append("csrf", csrf); formData.append("draftid", draftid); formData.append("upload", "1"); if (doctype === "pictures") { formData.append("inline", "1"); } console.log("FORMDATA:", formData); formData.append("fileupload", raw, name); console.log("here3"); const myRequest = new Request(groupurl + '/draftop', { method: 'POST', credentials: 'include', body: formData, signal: controller.signal, mode: 'cors' }); console.log("uploading"); try { const response = await fetch(myRequest); const result = await response.json(); if (doctype === "pictures") { console.log("picture processing"); for (let i = result.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { console.log("Processing: ", i); const fileurl = result[i]; console.log('FILE: ' + result[i]); console.log('URL: ' + fileurl); const imghtml = ' | My Holst and Haan Families (1)'; console.log('imghtml: ' + imghtml); tinymce.activeEditor.insertContent(imghtml); } } else { console.log("attachment processing"); updateAttachments(id, draftid, csrf, groupurl); console.log("attachment processing done"); } } catch (error) { console.error('Error:', error); }}

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My Holst and Haan Families

Ernest B. Blett IV



I am Ernest B. Blett IV, I am a GreatGrandson of Meint Ottes Holst.and Trientje Kornelius (Haan) They were married in Spring Lake,Ottawa Co. Michigan USA. on 21,Dec.1889. Meint was, Born in Nordhorn on 18, Jan. 1868.Trientje was born in Hornheizen on 10,Aug. 1869. Trientje Kornelius (Haan) came to the USA in 1873 from Ulrum with her parents. and Meint Ottes Holst came to the USA in 1883. He also came with his parents He was a Son of Otto Jans Holst and Pieterke Meints van Dijk(van der Dijk).they were married in Zuidhorn on 29,May 1862.Trientje's parents were Kornelius Hendriks Haan and Tetje Fokkes (Zandstra).They were married in Ezinge on 16,May 1860. Kornelius was born in Garnwerd on 15,Dec.1834 and Tetje was born in Niekerk on 1838. Otto and Pieterke were born in Grijpskerk. Otto was born on 10,Sept.1833 The son of Jetse Ottes Holst born on 04,April 1802 and KorneliskeGarmts Huisman born in Grijpskerk, on 29,Jan. 1804. They were married in Aduard on 21,May 1830.
Korneliske was a daughter of Garmt Roelf Huisman born 27,Jan. 1754 and Trientje Kornelius van
der Ploeg was born 18,Jun.1761 in Grijpskerk. They were married on 23,May. 1790 in Grijpskerk.
He died 25, July1822 and she died 04,Dec 1826.
Pieterke was a daughter of Meint Altjes van (der) Dijk and Jieske Eeltjes de Vries who were married 25, Nov. 1813 in Grijpskerk. He died on 31, July 1844 and she died on 29, Oct. 1841 both in Grijpskerk. Jieske Eeltjes de Vries was the daughter of Eeltje Jans and Hiltje Peiters of Foudgum, Friesland (all other location so far have been in Groningen) Eeltje Jans and Hiltje Peiters were married on 21,April 1776 at Brantgrum. they were both bpt.Sept05,1751 at Brantgrum. he died in 1789 in Foudgum and she moved to Dokkum about 1802 and died on 08,Feb.1806 in Dokkum.
Korneliske G. Huisman died on 14, July 1840 Jetse O. Holst died 17,July 1848 both in Grijpskerk.
Kornelius Hendriks Haan was the son of Hendrik Jans Haan born 27,Dec 1804 in Garnwerd and Eeltje Jans K(C)leveringa born 19,Oct 1803 in Ferwerd . They were married in Garnwerd on 01, Nov. 1827.
Tetje Fokkes (Zandstra) was the daughter of Fokke Aukes Zandstra born in Sabaldeburen on 10,Aug. 1801 and Trientje Hendrikjes Drent born on 20,April 1808 in Niekerk. They were married on 23,May 1829 in Oldekerk. Trientje died 18,May 1843. But Idon't know when Fokke died.
Meint Altjes van Dijk was the son of Alje Meints van der Dijk and Hendrikje Hilberts (I would like to find a sir name for her) Alje died 01,Nov. 1822 but. I don't have a date of death for Hendrikje Hilberts.(it was befor Alje's)
Jetse was a son of Otto Jans Holst and Grietje Jetese (de Vries)
(Schrideder) I have seen this name but once
Otto and Grietje were married on10,Jun.1798 in Grijpskerk. He died on 09, Aug.
1825 and she died on 08, Dec.1847. Grietje was born in Twijzel, FR..on 30, Dec.1775
Can you find any inforation on the Death for Grietje's Father and
Mother I do not have the dates for them but Their Names were Jetse Wijbes Schrideder and Maijke Sijbes. that is all I
know about any of the people here in.
I am intrested in any inforation you may have on any of these people
and please tell me where to find older Records that might help me to go
back on my family

Thank you,
Ernest B. Blett IV
RRT# 1 Box 276
Republic, Michigan 49879-9771
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Author: Patricia Veum II

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Views: 6343

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 91% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.